Thank you for taking the time to sign my guestbook.
Please add your name, E-mail address, and comments to
the guestbook by entering them here.

Bob Honicky
Burbank, California

Tuesday, August 29, 2000   09:13:
Chris, the memory of your smile continues to touch my life each day. Growing up with you, I witnessed first hand, your will to succeed, and the positive attitude that you had about all aspects of life. Although I didn't realize it at that time, I learned some very powerful lessons from you about the human spirit, about never giving up, and countless others. You are a huge inspiration to me and many others. I love you...your brother.

Andrée Gallant
Drummondville , Québec, Canada

Tuesday, August 15, 2000   16:48:
I like your site . And i like your photos and your wrotes . Excuse my english ... I need practice ! But your site is very beautiful ... Thank you !!! I look your site with my mother and we love you ! My mother tell you that youre very nice ... We give you ''big hugs'' and ''bigs kisses'' ... God bless you ...

Andrée Gallant
Drummondville , Québec, Canada

Tuesday, August 15, 2000   16:43:
I like your site . And i like your photos and your wrotes . Excuse my english ... I need practice ! But your site is very beautiful ... Thank you !!!

William Campbell
Encino, Calif.

Wednesday, June 21, 2000   20:47:
Chris, you brightened many a day of mine on the Mall at Pierce College while I was a student there in the early 1990s. I was always proud and pleased to stop and say hello and chat with you when I had the time to. Funny thing about time, because today I'm looking at the March 29 issue of the Pierce College Roundup, and I'm just learning of your passing. Chris you touched my life and I'm saddened that you're gone. In a way though I'm also joyous, because I know that where you are now, there are no wheelchairs or boundaries or limitations to conquer like the ones you so supremely overcame during your time here on earth. Now you are free, my friend. Amidst the tears, I cheer you on.

William Campbell
Encino, Calif.

Wednesday, June 21, 2000   20:47:0
Chris, you brightened many a day of mine on the Mall at Pierce College while I was a student there in the early 1990s. I was always proud and pleased to stop and say hello and chat with you when I had the time to. Funny thing about time, because today I'm looking at the March 29 issue of the Pierce College Roundup, and I'm just learning of your passing. Chris you touched my life and I'm saddened that you're gone. In a way though I'm also joyous, because I know that where you are now, there are no wheelchairs or boundaries or limitations to conquer like the ones you so supremely overcame during your time here on earth. Now you are free, my friend. I cheer you on as I miss you.

Your Mom
Burbank, California

Sunday, June 18, 2000   20:12:
Just to let all your friends know that you're very much here with us our loving thoughts, where you've always been and where you'll always stay. We miss you - your human dear presence - but we're grateful to know you're okay...seeing and learning so many wonderful new things we can only dream about. Love you so much, dear Chris...soar joyously with the angels!

jim jackson
Tehachapi, CA

Sunday, May 21, 2000   11:19:
no comments

Northridge, Ca

Saturday, May 20, 2000   16:16:
Hi Chris, I was surprised to hear that you've passed on. I am so sad to hear that, but in a way I feel at peace to know that now you are free from all mortal bounds to do as you wish. You inspired me and I was at awe to see how much you loved life and tried to absorb so much from it. Not even you physical incapasities got in the way of what you loved to do: live life. You had so much strength and courage, you made me realize what we take for granted in this world that at many times becomes superficial. I hope you are at peace. See you my friend. :)

Steven Davis
Reseda, Ca

Monday, May 01, 2000   16:26:0
"Ode to a Friend"
April 3, 2000
Buenos Aires, Argentina

When I imagine the farm (Pierce College), I imagine him
His skinny headband, his friendly smile,
His boundless love, his boundless liberty.
As the wind over those hills was free
So now is Chris.

Tip-tap, tip-tap...connection made,
Phone ringing, receiver picked up,
The person on the far end hears a computerized voice.
The person next to Chris sees the
Slow tip-tap of keys transforming thought
Into communication, love and humor.

As I talked with him, we talked of music
And always two themes came up,
"The Sound of Music" and "The Beatles".
As I write of my friend I think of how he Climbed Every Mountain
And Hey Jude….take a sad song and make it happy.

At times we talked of religion and I asked him,
"Why do you think Christ came into the world?"
He said, so carefully, spelling it out,
"To Heal."
So right he is!

Sincerely, Steven Davis,
A friend

Donna Ryan (Laura`s Mom)
Wadsworth, Ohio

Wednesday, April 26, 2000   12:43:
Laura loves you! Thanks for making her so happy! :-) God Bless.

Tiffany Schirmer
Burbank, California

Monday, April 24, 2000   10:12:
Thinking of you.

brad childs
Auburn, California

Friday, April 07, 2000   01:06:
I was saddened to hear of your passing Chris. You have been an inspiration to many people with your positive spirit and willingness to challenge yourself. Throughout the many years that we have known each other- I believe I have gained more in my own personal growth, from each of our short periods on hikes in the mountains, while I thought I was teaching you about nature and the physical accomplishments of completing a 5 mile backcountry trek. Your impact on all the volunteers and other participants was acknowledged and honored last Fall with your Outstanding Participation Award, and the heartfelt love and respect which was shared by over 100 people present that day! You achieved the longest record,14 consecutive years, and completing each of 28 biannual Wheel Chair hiking events. You met your challenges, by being first of course, and sometimes having to navigate through 11 stream crossings, in rain or shine, heat or foggy cold, up and down hills, avoiding poison oak and rattlesnakes, and with the surprises of park closures from fire, floods, and even congressional govt. shut down! And always, with a can-do leadership quality which inspired others. I learned from you about taking risks, seeing the truth of my own insecurities, the value in taking the time to really listen to someone, and about not being afraid to ask for help. You were the motivating force behind the continuing of the Wheel to the Sea event over these many years. It had to continue because I couldn't face telling you we were "too overwhelmed to do it this time". You provided that kind of leadership for both myself and, I am sure, many others who's lives you have touched. I'll miss you guy and I know you are at peace, flying free, up front and ahead of the crowd. Brad Childs The Wilderness Institute

Mary E. Goeb
Grand Rapids, Michigan

Tuesday, April 04, 2000   18:10:0
My children and I feel richly blessed by our brief association with Chris at the A/U ranches during family camp in 1998. My ten year old was especially shy when first introduced to Chris but she quickly responded to his wonderful smile and infectious laugh. The next day while in arts and crafts Sarah decided to make a necklace for her new friend. I have thought of Chris many times since first meeting him at the Denver Airport and admiring his courage and confidence. He continues to be an inspiration to us and we feel such gratitude for having shared his friendship.

Marilyn Needham
Oviedo (near Orlando), Florida

Tuesday, April 04, 2000   08:26:
When I received A/U's tribute to you, I went to your web page, read EVERYTHING, and had to wait until today, a week later, to put down some thoughts. Having lived at the Ranches for seven years, our family had a chance to observe how much a part of the place you were. I'm wish I had learned how much you like checkers - you could have beaten me handily! However, it heartens me to know that my son and his wife, Paul and Winnie, had a chance to know you through church. From the friends who helped with this web site, to the many, many, feelings expressed in this guestbook, you must know how truly you testified to "the real status of man." No one could have more!

Chatsworth, California

Tuesday, April 04, 2000   00:24:
Dearest Chris....I just want to say Im sorry for not ever stopping to talk, I know this is probably the wrong time to say this to you, but I just wanted you to know how much I regret missing out on getting to know someone as loved as you. You seemed to have touched the hearts of many, I only wish I would of given myself the apportunity to have the same for me, but I think that in the end some how you did. I remember the first time I smiled at you, and you smiled back. Believe it or not everyday after that I looked for you just to get that smile. I wish you a safe journey Chris, a thousand hugs and smiles to you, and your family. Your Friend....Ladybug.

WoodlandHills, California

Monday, April 03, 2000   23:39:
I was terribly sad to hear about what happened this past month. I used to enjoy speaking to Chris very much when I was a Pierce Student. He was such an inspiration to me, because no matter what I was feeling, I would always see that Chris had a smile on his face, whether he was doing well on any given day or not so well! He was really someone I will not forget because of that! I feel really sad now since I heard about his passing, and I just want to wish his family comfort and peace.

Woodland Hills, California

Saturday, April 01, 2000   01:08:
In memory of Chris: I would just like to take a moment and share my memories of Chris. I met him at Pierce College. I saw his sign and his communication board. Being the fact that I am going into teaching in special education, I approached him and introduced myself. I quickly learned what a wonderfully brilliant, interesting, fun and friendly man he was. I always went out of my way to see him everyday he was there. (I was even late to class a few times because we got caught up in a conversation). I kiddingly used to yell at him when it was raining because he never wore socks. Then the next time I saw him, he was wearing these warm cozy slipper socks. He got my attention and flashed me that famous smile of his and started to laugh. During the holiday seasons, he would come in his Santa hat. He was soooo festive! Then he got this wonderful idea of how to get people to notice him. He got the loudest horn he could find... put it under his arm and as soon as a person glanced at him, and then looked away out of fear, he would honk that thing and scare the pants of of them. The person would turn around and Chris would flash that famous smile. When I was having a hard day, whether it be that I was overwhelmed with stress, got a bad grade on a test, or having "boy-trouble", he would pull me asside and listen to me, give me a shoulder to cry on, and a great big hug. He always made me feel better! When I was having a good day, I told him about it, and then he honked that horn of his as loud and as many times as he could to celebrate with me. I will greatly miss you Chris, but you will always be in my heart... FOREVER!

Woodland Hills, California

Saturday, April 01, 2000   00:54:
To whom ever reads this message:

Bridgewater, Ma

Thursday, March 30, 2000   17:37:
Chris, It's taken me a while to be able to write anything. But know that you continue to fill my heart with the pride of just having known you. There is no end to the joy that you've blessed us all with... Love, Cookie

Kathy Langdon
Louisville, CO

Thursday, March 30, 2000   13:01:
Chris, What a beautiful, unique expression of true patience, Love and freedom! You captured the essence and spirit of all that we study in CS. You did not lose any kind of struggle--you won! Your right place is with God, free from material limitation, soaring... You helped open my eyes and my heart in so many ways, and for this I am infinitely grateful. I will always remember sitting on the porch of Crow's Nest with you--smiling, laughing and praying together, and your affirmative "uh huh's". "The realm of the real is Spirit..Ideas are tangible and real to immortal consciousness, and they have the advantage of being eternal."-MBE- I will always remember you. Peace and Love, my Friend

Dee Dee Bark
Scottsdale, Arizona

Wednesday, March 29, 2000   14:58:0
Chris, I just wish you could know what a profound affect you have had on my life. You have inspired me, encouraged me, given me strength, shown me what joy, life and love are really about, and above all, blessed me with your friendship. From the moment I met you, at A/U camp, (almost 12 years ago), you have taught me so much about living. Every time you came to visit Tina and me, or the times we went to visit you, we marveled at your UNLIMITED THOUGHT. You will remain in my thoughts forever dear Chris. I thank God for the opportunity we had to know you. Love, Dee Dee

David Carroll Johnson
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Wednesday, March 29, 2000   14:13:
My sister Lucia just told me of your passing. Lots of love to you and your wonderful family. David

Matthew H. Miller
Tucson, Arizona

Tuesday, March 28, 2000   23:17:
no comments

Meganne Yeoman
Sylmar, California

Tuesday, March 28, 2000   10:14:
My Dear Cousin Chris, This has been a long time in coming because I have had a heck of a time getting to your webpage. Yes, I know I'm in a Graduate Program, but truth be told, I can't access the site of my online class, either! I know you would get quite the laugh from my ineptitude, but once you stopped your hilarity, you would no doubt show me the error of my ways and rescue me from my techno-challenge. For that is your expertise - overcoming challenges. I might also comment on how immensely impressed I am at you site. You humble me. I have spent the last couple hours reading about you from your personal viewpoint and the thoughts of those who love you. I have always had you in my life and never quite grasped what you had to teach me. I know now that I will never look at my insignifigant problems again with the same conviction. You and I are the last of the cousins to be practising Christian Science and I treasured that bond. I am comforted knowing you are with some of my very favorite memories and that you are in very good company. Sarah is especially happy that you are with her Daddy, flying free and soaring high. I wish you love on your journey and rejoice in your release. I will miss you but know that we will share special stories when the "clan" gathers in Asilomar. Love and best wishes to you, always... To my dearest Aunt Mary, Uncle Henry, Cousins Bob, Cathy, and your families...My love and gratitude to you for keeping this site going and helping me with my process. Bob, eloquence and open sharing are of the highest caliber and I am honored to have shared/witnessed your obvious devotion to your brother. It has always been such a great help to have you there. Love to you


Monday, March 27, 2000   20:30:
no comments

David Kurtz
Glenview, IL

Monday, March 27, 2000   10:38:
Chris, You have always been an inspiration to me and you will continue to do so. I thank God for the time and the lessons we shared. Dave

Donley Johnson
Cleveland, Ohio

Sunday, March 26, 2000   19:34:
Dear Chris, I am glad your mom shared your web address with my sister, and she shared it with me. It has been a very moving visit. Such love. I remember playing with you at our house in Cleveland in the fifties. We would ride our bikes around the turn around and you were sitting by the drive and would laugh and laugh when we went by. We did the loop over and over and always had the same joyous response from you. I am glad you kept my dad who you called "uncle Dee" in your correspondence loop over the decades. I feel I have been a little slow on the learning curve but God is gracious and the opportunities continue. Love to you and your family. Donley Johnson, David Johnson and Lucia Johnson Leith

Sarah Fabian
St. Louis, MO

Sunday, March 26, 2000   19:24:
Chris~ Even though I didn't get the opportunity to know you very well, you demonstrated to me amazing qualities. Everything about you is inspiring. You have become my role model, thank you!

Sarah Fabian
St. Louis, MO

Sunday, March 26, 2000   19:20:
Chris, even though I din't get the opportunity to know you very well, you demonstrated to me amazing qualities. Everything about you is inspiring, and you have become my role model. Thank you!

Sarah Fabian
St. Louis, MO

Sunday, March 26, 2000   19:19:0
Chris, even though I din't get the opportunity to know you very well, you demonstrated to me amazing qualities. Everything about you is inspiring, and you have become my role model. Thank you!

Kristi Lovelady
Moreno Valley, California

Saturday, March 25, 2000   22:12:
Thank you God for sharing Chris with us. Thank you Chris for teaching us of courage, love, and joy. I will think of you often and carry your inspiration in my heart for ever.

Kari Thumlert
Woodland Hills, California

Friday, March 24, 2000   14:34:
Dear Chris, I will miss seeing your smile on campus. I am honored to be writing your story. I am glad you are at peace now. As your many friend said you are now free to fly.

Allison Lauria
Orlando, FL

Thursday, March 23, 2000   16:28:0
I just wanted to thankyou Chris for all the time I was privledged to spend with you. you have been a joy to spend time with and I have learned so much about life and about myself from the times we shared. Although it's tempting to be sorrowful, I would rather be thankful for all the lives that you've touched and for this opportunity for you to move on. You're free to live on spiritually and all of us are very grateful for the memories that we have in our hearts. Love always and forever, because life is eternal. Allison :)

Tim Schaefer

Thursday, March 23, 2000   00:26:
What comes to my thought as I think of Chris is the joy he always expresses. Always smiling and oh did he look so happy when his song would be played at the Ranches! I have this image of Chris dancing at our wedding. Smiling on the dance floor. Happy to be with people. Really enriching people's lives. One winter at the Ranches I volunteered to get Chris ready for the day. Well, early each morning, I would hear a banging on the wall well before my alarm was set to go off. It was Chris eager to get going on another adventurous day. Facing each new dawn with an eagerness that is an example for all of us. I'm a better person for knowing you, Chris! Tim

Carla Kaizen
Evergreen, Co

Wednesday, March 22, 2000   16:58:
hey, darlin'--gosh...the snapshot I hold in my head as I think of you is sitting looking over the lake, watching the stillness of a mountain night fall around us, the sound of a wild ping pong game behind us. I am leaning against the sturdy comfort of your chair, your amazing feet in my hands, exploring their craggy surface. Feeling so calm and comforted, loving the moment. Out of the blue you start to chuckle, turn it into your trademark laugh, skipping it into a roar, unknowingly being swept into your laughter until tears stream down my face, amazed at the warmth of your feet. Awed by the stillness of the night, ping pong paddles silent, when at last our laughter whispers into the still beauty of the night. Your beautiful Soul expressed in that moment shall be with me as we both journey on, unique and lovely. Carla

Erin Altman
Laguna Niguel, California

Wednesday, March 22, 2000   16:34:
I met you, Chris, last summer during the first session of Family Camp. I've never met another man that expresses such humor and joy. It warms my heart to see you smile, and I know you are smiling now. I also had the wonderful experience of sharing Christmas with you this past winter at the A/U Ranches. Whenever I think of you I'll remember you as you were there; sitting near the warm fire in Valerie Lodge, smiling your most handsome smile. You truly are a blessing and you will remain forever in my heart. Love, Erin

Bob Honicky
Burbank, California

Wednesday, March 22, 2000   15:53:
Chris, I haven't seen you in over a week, and I really miss you!I'm writing this directly to you because I know that now you can check your website, and read all of the inspiring comments from your friends and family. I'm sorry that you had to endure such physical pain while on this earth. I lay in my bed each night thinking about you, and I know that you're watching me, and probably trying to tell me something. You have inspired so many people Chris, and you have had a positive affect on everyone you met. The editor of the newspaper from Pierce College called, and is going to do an article about you in an upcoming issue. There's also a possibility that there might be a tree planted in your honor at camp in Colorado, which was your second home. Chris, I want you to know that I'm practicing my checkers, so that I'll have a chance when we're together again. I love you big brother. Thanks for setting the spiritual example for me. You'll always be my hero. Score a touchdown for me. -Bob-

Vicki Gorman
Santa Cruz, CA

Wednesday, March 22, 2000   14:30:
Chris, There is a tendancy to think that I am a bit late in finally writing to you, but I am writing in hopes that others that read your webpage will get to hear how you touched my life. I am so happy that you have never been far away from me, and still will not be, because you have so often been in my memories and thoughts of you. You have so many times inspired my untiring patience with students I teach each day,(I even demanded a communication devise for one student who I knew, like you, had a lot to share with us, but in the non-traditional way. She now has an electronic board!) I always enjoyed our visits at meal times at the Ranches,... no one could suck milk, backwash food and laugh all at once like you! I have fond memories of that clear tube!! You continue to live on and bless us all, as we share the Love you inspired in all of us! You have touched the lives of many more people than just those who have met you... your wonderful presence will be with us always! continued LOVE...

Stacy Martin
Denver, Colorado

Wednesday, March 22, 2000   12:27:
Chris represents so many things that I just had never come in contact with and that were brand new to me when I started studying CS in 1996. I had always had a certain fear of people that were sick or said to be in pain because of a childhood situation where I wasn't allow to get close to my Great Grandmother that was very old and again, supposedly sick. I became afraid that I would hurt her. But not with Chris. He made me see him in reality from the very start, every time I hugged him or talked to him or even looked at him, because that is his reflection. That is still who he is, an expression of God's love. That's also my sweet Great Grandmother who passed away, and my dog Lil Girl, and even friends and family that I see on Earth. Chris made many of those new and hard to grasp concepts in CS clear to me by making them real, especially his persevering thoughts of agelessness. They became somewhat simple when I was around him actually. That's what I'm most present to now. He is free from his body, and although we cannot physically touch him or give him our audible support, we can more than ever celebrate his continuing life, and we can do that with him in prayer. There are so many things that he is bringing to our lives, and so much happiness to rejoice in. I love you Chris.

Dennis S.Antisdel
Victorville, Ca.

Tuesday, March 21, 2000   18:43:0
This is my story about my best friend Chris O. Honicky.. I met Chris at Lowman school in 1955, but did nt know him to well until we transfered to Lokrantz school in 1961. We really became best friends in 1965, we started going to each others house for dinner and go to campevery summer for 2 weeks we had a ball together. Chris always wanted to get married, so Buddy i guess that time has come, you are probably looking down at me laughing and saying to me and to all of us come up to heaven and enjoy what I am enjoying, and to fly with the angels and me, so buddy I am looking forward to that day and I will bring all of your wonderful friends with me and we will all have fun flying with the angels and you, so this isn't Good-Bye, but only saying fairwell until we meet again. So Chris live it up ttry to save me one of your beautiful girls for me OK? HA!! See you again sometime soon. Love from your friend , Dennis & Family

Dennis S.Antisdel
Victorville, Ca.

Tuesday, March 21, 2000   18:39:
This is my story about my best friend Chris O. Honicky.. I met Chris at Lowman school in 1955, but did nt know him to well until we transfered to Lokrantz school in 2961. We really became best friends in 1965, we started going to each others house for dinner and go to campevery summer for 2 weeks we had a ball together. Chris always wanted to get married, so Buddy i guess that time has come, you are probably looking down at me laughing and saying to me and to all of us come up to heaven and enjoy what I am enjoying, and to fly with the angels and me, so buddy I am looking forward to that day and I will bring all of your wonderful friends with me and we will all have fun flying with the angels and you, so this isn't Good-Bye, but only saying fairwell until we meet again. So Chris live it up ttry to save me one of your beautiful girls for me OK? HA!! See you again sometime soon. Love from your friend , Dennis & Family

Phil Yarter
Denver, Colorado

Tuesday, March 21, 2000   17:49:
I am saddened by the notice just received, of Chris' passing. I have thought of Chris many times since first meeting him at the '99 reunion. As many years as I have been around A/U, I am also saddened by the fact that I never had the opportunity to enjoy his copany before the reunion and that was so short lived. Chris, you were and still are, a wonderful inspiration to me and all those you so lovingly touched and amused with your antics and just being there. Thank you for comming into my life, although so very short. Phil

Marc Heisterkamp
Buckley, WA

Monday, March 20, 2000   23:06:0
Throughout the month of February I felt compelled to write Chris a letter, and I was unable to due to my busy scheldule. The material letter that I wrote was not timely enough but i am sure that Chris has received in in some form! Chris, I was only blessed with one week at Christmas with you, but one week was enough to change my life. You are truly an inspiration! From checkers to lip goo, every experience was a fun and meaningful one. I will never forget the joy you have brought to my life. Let us all remember that "Life is without beginning and without end." (S&H 468:27) With Love and Gratitude, Marc

Steve May
Berkeley, CA

Monday, March 20, 2000   22:56:
Thank you Chris for being a wonderful teacher to me as well. I just spent a long time reading the other great messages on the board. I think that the impact on me was because you were always such a spirited learner, and your energy and love was what taught. My love to all of Chris's family and friends. May I continue to follow your lead. Steve

John Imrie
Hinsdale, IL

Saturday, March 18, 2000   19:15:
I am glad I got a chance to meet you at A/U this winter

Cousin Sue (Joy's big sister!)
Quincy, California

Friday, March 17, 2000   17:36:
Wow, Chris, my precious cousin. I have known you all of your life, and I never had a clue about how many wonderful friends you had ALL OVER THE COUNTRY!!! You made a huge impact, obviously, on everyone you came to know - and the love that you had for all certainly is being expressed here in this wonderful way for all of us to read and take into our hearts. The Osgood gatherings will not be the same without you -- but I know that you are in Heaven with our Aunt Becky, and taking a good long walk with Grandmother. We love you, and are holding hands with you-Aunt Mary, Uncle Henry, Cathy and Bob.

Gina Lindquist
Denver, Colorado

Friday, March 17, 2000   09:24:
Chris - My dear friend, how you rolled into our lives and changed them forever. Thank you. You taught us the invaluable lessons of Life and the strength of Spirit. The grace to move forward, onward and upward in the face of adversity is a demonstration you so beautifully made. Your infectious laughter and smile, that is brighter than the sun, lives in my heart. I am truly blessed to know and love such a wonderful man. Till our paths cross again. I love you.

Oakland, CA

Friday, March 17, 2000   02:08:0
sweet chris, so many thanks for all the giving, the support, the honesty and sharing. i know progress is law and you are fulfilling it, that however your experience is continue is bringing you closer to the big G. i'm so glad we got to hang while you were here. know i love you. torrey

Keith Babcock
Walnut Creek, CA

Thursday, March 16, 2000   22:22:0
Chris- What I am reminded of, as you move ever forward, are the limitLESS number of things you experienced, shared, and taught even while in a seeming limited human body; from bouncing around (literally, and more than most passengers I've had!) in a raft down the Arkansas River; riding in a snowcat up the side of a mountain at Cooper and reveling in the views from the top; dancing on the floor of Valerie; conversing on all manner of topics and ideas; and most notably, the patience you taught all of us with your example. Not to mention the patience YOU had with some of us (especially yours truly) in helping you with a few things: learning how to brush your teeth with that possessed electric tooth brush without brushing your entire face and the bathroom at large comes to mind. Thank you for helping us (me) to learn the true meaning of patience; how to really listen; how to lovingly accept and embrace each person as they are, regardless of age, background, color, education, baggage... you are a master at that; how to communicate with nary a word spoken; and how to embrace life with joy and vigor, no matter the adversity, no matter the limitation. Thank you. I look forward to many more lessons; and to the day when I finally won't be duped into looking up at the ceiling. Much love to you, Chris.

Jen Quirk
Boston, MA

Thursday, March 16, 2000   16:16:0
Oh Chris I love you so much. I'm sitting here reading through the guest book comments and rejoicing in how many people love you, and how many lives you touched. Our time together was brief (summer of 1996) but so powerful. You taught me so much about reaching out, being yourself, being strong, being loving. Thank you for being one of the best teachers I've ever known - thanks for being my friend. I love the thoughts shared about how you're now "fetterless and free" - free of that limiting human body - I will hold to that. Next time our paths cross we'll talk more about effective flirting! So much love to you, and love and thanks to your family.

Bevyn Hazelwood-Watt
Narvon {near Lancaster}, PA

Thursday, March 16, 2000   14:52:
My best wish for everyone on earth is that they open their hearts so wide that they always see the shining face of God, as I have since meeting my dear friend Chris. We weep for ourselves and how we'll miss you, but we'll rejoice because you'll always be here in our hearts. My gratitude is unending for the honor of your friendship, love & what you taught me of myself. Thankyou, dear friend, follow that star. As always, & forever, Love, bevyn......

brooks anderson
santa rosa, ca

Thursday, March 16, 2000   14:06:0
"Chris would love to hear your comments." I'm sure he would. I'm SURE he IS. what an irony, as we sit before this screen, as we used to do with your letter board, we are all sitting around Chris, in gathered, cozy company, typing out letters, as with his communicative nose, still embracing Chris. is this the internet, or, Valerie Lodge? we are still in raptured presence with Chris. so, Chris, if I were to say anything to you right now, it's: Thank you for squeezing my legs with your famous lobster-vice grip of your own legs....thank you for shaking my hand with your hairy, strong hand....for being such a goof with me (it would help subvert the formalities)....for teaching me the art of true flirting....for showing me how you would wipe away your tears with one big thumb...for yelling across a room -- "HEY!!" and "YEAH!!"....for scaring the begeebers out of my kids with your joyous roar....for enabling me to see, as you would often point to it on your letter board, that life is an exclamation mark! thank you for living your life on the edge of your seat, by the seat of your pants. thank you for gracing our lives with yours. "blue skies, lakes, and seas" what do you see now? give us a new song when we see you again...I love you, brooks

Derry Voorhees
Dillon, Colorado

Thursday, March 16, 2000   11:51:
Thank you for all the joy you've brought Shawn, Bevyn and myself. It is endless, as is our love for you.

J.J. Swan
Elsah, Illinois

Thursday, March 16, 2000   10:46:0
I sit here with tears streaming down my face- tears of joy, gratitude and Love. Thinking about the lessons that Chris has taught me, and reading all the beautiful words in this guest book, gives me strength and peace. The first thought that came to mind when I received the message was from the Science and Health: "Great is the reward of self-sacrifice, though we may never receive it in this world" (29). Chris has shown me what it means to relinquish self and realize our divine selfhood. I am grateful to know that Chris truly is "the guest of God." I love you, Chris!

Lynda Miller
Buena Vista, Colorado

Thursday, March 16, 2000   10:45:0
My friend, you have at last been able to leave behind the body which seemed to hinder you, but your mind, which has always flown with the eagles, remains "fetterless and free" as it has always been. I will miss your laughter, and your tears, but everywhere I look,I can see you. Until another time, my friend.

Nathan Bowen
Denver, CO

Thursday, March 16, 2000   09:45:
Chris - I love thinking about our unstoppable laughing fits we'd share sitting in the Lodge at camp. The joy and Love you taught me to see, in places I wouldn't have even known to have looked before come back to me as lessons in peace, humility and how to truly share this wonderful life! All my love.

Bob Whittaker
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Thursday, March 16, 2000   07:54:
Chris, I close my eyes and I see and feel the strength you draw upon and you truely are an inspiration to me and a teacher. I love to have teachers in my life as you help show me how I can grow and evolve to be at one with the everpresent strength and clarity of Life and Love. Thanks for roll modeling Chris and keep looking UP! I Love you, bob w.

Frances Jeffries
Bridgewater, MA

Thursday, March 16, 2000   05:16:
The warmth of Chris' fire and the bright glow of the flame remain with us when the last ember seems to have faded away.

Alexander Lamie
Bridgewater, MA

Thursday, March 16, 2000   05:11:
Dear Chris: I know that you can "hear" this. Thank you for teaching me to walk when I was a baby and to play checkers when everyone else thought that I was too young. Love, Your friend Alexander

Miguel Meneses
Burbank, CA.

Thursday, March 16, 2000   00:00:0
Querido Chris, que estas en el cielo. a lado de angelitos. Solamente queria decirte, que aunque nunca te conoci,siento el dolor no haberte conocido. De ti nada mas escuche buenas cosas. de la gente que te quiere. tu hermano Bob que a sido como un padre para mi, escuche cosas increibles de ti. y creeme que mis respetos tendras de mi. Y ahora que estas en el cielo, yo se que ya eres extranado lo veo en los ojos de tu sobrino Robbie. (uno de mis queridos amigos.) solamente te queria decir, que siempre tuviste y siempre tendras una persona que te admira. nada mas con la forma que enfrentaste a la vida. Con un GRAN CORAZON. Thanks for being such a great role model to me and lots of people. and God bless you.

Cousin Joy
Placerville, Calif

Wednesday, March 15, 2000   23:29:
I can't think of our family gatherings without picturing all of us Osgood Clan gathered around the brightly lighted Christmas tree, hearing Aunt Catherine after Silent Night, calling for "one more time" !! And of course, we would joyfully sing one more round. And when it came time for Jingle Bells, the loudest and merriest HO-HO-HO was from Cousin Chris!! How he loved the gathering of his family. As do I. I feel so blessed to come from and be part of this circle of love. I am moved by the messages to Chris and his folks. What a supportive and loving influence you are... and how powerful your words and thoughts. Aunt Mary, Uncle Henry, Bob, Cathey: Please add my name to those who love you and know that I am holding you in my heart. And the Cirle of Love continues. Love, Joy

Mary Mayor
Burbank, Ca.

Wednesday, March 15, 2000   17:05:
There is so much love in my heart to all of you, Chris' friends, who have expressed so much love and affection for him. We know he is experiencing the beauty and freedom of his real sense of life...soaring with the angels he's always relied upon. We can never lose the real Chris we all know and love so much. May this journey surround him "in heavenly love abiding".Thank you all for your loving support of all our family...Chris would love all this attention. I feel God's strength "winging him forward"...fetter-less and free. Chris' Mom

Mary Mayor

Wednesday, March 15, 2000   16:49:0
no comments

Mary Mayor

Wednesday, March 15, 2000   16:49:0
no comments

Scott Knickerbocker
, OR

Wednesday, March 15, 2000   14:38:
"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way." Ps. 37:23. Chris is a good man, and I am comforted to know that his steps are divinely ordered at this very moment. I will never forget the lessons of humility and unselfed love I learned from Chris. Chris, I delight in your way.

Shawn Hazelwood
Denver, Colorado

Wednesday, March 15, 2000   13:36:
I always expected Chris to be one to someday stand up and walk away from his wheelchair. He and I left using the alphabet board behind about 10 years ago. It occured to me this morning that he hs finally stepped from his chair and is now free to fly. Jesse, Mark Kenny and I were sharing about all the things I'd inadvertently done to him over the years, and loving what a contribution he'd made to us, and THEN I received the email from Mark. We were shocked; he was already ageless and now he is free to sit on each of our shoulders, and shake his head, look up, and laugh. He is laughing still...

Bruce Honicky
Morris Plains, New Jersey

Wednesday, March 15, 2000   10:26:
I am one of Chris' cousins from New Jersey. I just heard the news about Chris' passing and would just like to express my condolances to Chris' immediate family (Marianne, Bob and Cathy). Although I didn't have the pleasure of spending any time with Chris in recent years, he has been and will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Love, Bruce

Maree Sytsma
Denver, Colorado

Wednesday, March 15, 2000   09:26:
In the 10 years that I have known Chris he has never failed to be a joy and an inspiration. At Christmas Chris and I were reading the lesson and talking about man as the infinite reflection of God. We talked about Hymn64, especially the third verse which holds usch a promise, which Chris recognized for himself. I like to think of him now, "fetterless and free" touching "the fringes of eternity". Godspeed my friend. We'll see you later.

Susie Oyer
Greeley, CO

Wednesday, March 15, 2000   00:21:
From the time our daughter, Hannah, was two years old Chris was HER friend. when we were at camp her dad and I were expected to respect the maturity of that friendship. There were many days that Hannah (who is now ten) and Chris would sit on the porch of Nugget or in front of the fireplace in Valerie and play checkers, or laugh at a shared joke, or Hannah would be sharing thoughts with Chris and he would be listening to her so attentively and nodding as if her thoughts were the most important message that God had for him at that moment (and they were). Hannah and Chris corresponded by phone when they were not at camp at the same time and those calls were always important to her. I often strolled by the two of them in deep conversation or footstomping laughter and wondered what was so interesting or funny...but chris was one of Hannah's first grown up friendships and I would never have wanted to interfere. My time with Chris was different....but always inspiring and sweet. Tomorrow morning I will spend time with Hannah rejoicing in Chris' life, his laughter and his inspiration to us all. The picture of Chris that I will always hold in my heart is the day we arrived at the ranches after a long drive from Boston when Hannah was only 4 months old and Chris greeted us on the deck behind Valerie with his head nodding and his foot stomping and demanded to hold "his baby Hannah". Dwight gently placed her in his arms and arranged them so that he could hold her all by himself. They sat there for the longest time man and child staring into eachother's eyes....speaking so clearly...understanding one another's never changed. I am so grateful for this picture...thank you Chris for helping to raise our daughter to be kind and compassionate and funny and gentle and uncompromising in her view of man....

Bob Honicky
Burbank, California

Tuesday, March 14, 2000   22:54:
To all of Chris' friends. It is with a heavy heart that I write this message. Early this morning Chris lost his battle with life on this earth. Once again, his family thanks all of you who had a part in making Chris' life worth living. We know that Chris is now free from pain, suffering, and being trapped in a body that limited him in many ways. We would also like to thank those of you whose prayers helped Chris through his very difficult last couple of months. Although I don't know most of you that have left messages on this website, I can tell by your comments that Chris had many, many friends that loved and cared about him. This website will remain as a tribute to Chris, who, without a doubt touched many lives in his very special way. As his brother I can say that Chris has taught me many important things about people and feelings, and there will never be another like him. Chris was a fighter with the heart of a lion...We love you Chris!

John Abdelnour

Tuesday, March 14, 2000   22:21:0
Love to you from the ranches, Chris. This is just a game of checkers and it seems to me that you are unstoppable at checkers! Harmony prevails when you live Love, and you exemplify this daily. Know this harmony! Extremely!

John Abdelnour

Tuesday, March 14, 2000   22:20:
Love to you from the ranches, Chris. This is just a game of checkers and it seems to me that you are unstoppable at checkers! Harmony prevails when you live Love, and you exemplify this daily. Know this harmony! Extremely!

David Honicky
Cleveland, Ohio

Tuesday, March 14, 2000   20:15:
Chris, it's been too long since we've spoken, but you've always been in my mind and heart. Your kind of courage is rare these days. When people say there are no heroes anymore -- they're wrong. Your strength, your family, and God's love will see you through. We love you.

Gary Fleener
Elsah, IL

Tuesday, March 14, 2000   18:55:0
Hey Chris, Just a little more love sent your way. Know that we are thinking of you as you always have been-- 100% pure Life and Love. Thanks to your brother for keeping us posted.

craig gamrath
buena vista, colorado

Tuesday, March 14, 2000   18:19:
hi chris, i know this is a tough moment, but you know how many hundreds of lives you have touched. we all are knowing the truth about whatever the claim may be every minute of every day. and what a comfort to know that you are doing the same! are you ready for another jog in the green three wheeler?

Michael Thurman
Denver , CO

Tuesday, March 14, 2000   16:03:
Sparky, Just read the update from your bro. I, like everyone else sending you notes, am praying hard to see the reality of this whole situation. Lean back on that Love. Then, fight like hell! You have taught me and so many others about persevering through tough challenges with a big grin on our faces and in our hearts. You can make it through this and anything. I know because I have watched you before and I will watch you again. You, more than just about anyone I know, have dealt with so many tough situations with Grace and Love. Stick with it. This is no different than that header you took out of the chair on the way down to BV:), its just dressed up a little differently! The same truths you held to then, are just as applicable now. Until I see this summer, I will remember your strength during our run. Take care, Mike Thurman

Elizabeth Train
Denver, Colorado

Tuesday, March 14, 2000   14:13:
Hi friend! I have been thinking of you so much lately - we haven't had a good long talk in a while! You always have such great things to say, and offer wonderful perspectives. You are so loved, Chris, and can reflect nothing but pure, perfect, limitless love yourself!! I can't wait to see you at the Ranches this summer :) -E

Lynda and Virgil
Buena Vista, Colorado

Tuesday, March 14, 2000   13:35:
Hi, Friend. Everywhere we look here at the Ranch, we see you - Everything and everyone you have touched and that has touched you. Those strong ties of Love are supporting you now. Isn't it grand that those ties can never be broken? We love you!

Gwen Beacham
Elsah, Illinois

Tuesday, March 14, 2000   13:24:
Dear Chris, I am thinking of you often, and every time I do I am reminded to be grateful for Life and Love, because you express both of these qualities in abundance and teach everyone you meet more about them. I know you're working hard to rise above this current challenge, and I know you will succeed. You have everything you need to do it! All my love to you and your family, Gwen.

Fleurette Sevin
Mountain View, California

Tuesday, March 14, 2000   12:52:
Chris, You are a treasured friend. It is wonderful to see all the support from your friends and family. I know you are being cared for by those around you and I suspect you are probably flirting with the nurses. ;-) When I think of you, what always comes to mind first is your laughter, humor, joy and smile. I love you! Constant Happiness Reflected In your Smile

Anne Toevs
Boston, MA

Tuesday, March 14, 2000   12:27:
Dear Friend: As always you sit in the warmest spot, in the middle of my heart. I love you and I'm proud of the work you're putting into this thing. Keep going and know that I love you dearly. Annie T

Angela Sevin
Concord, California

Tuesday, March 14, 2000   11:49:
Chris, I'm loving you, your family and those surrounding you and helping you. I know you are filling that room you are in with joy, inspiration and humour, even with all that you are going through. Because this is who you are: Chris Honicky Wind-walker Love-giver Soul-inspiring laughter Always there with Qualities from God Love, Angela

Penny Peticolas
Grand Rapids, MI

Tuesday, March 14, 2000   11:48:
Hi, Chris - It's been a long time since I've been to camp and so a long time since I've seen you. It was great to see your smiling face on your web page. I know you know that nothing has ever separated you from God's love. The love you see on this page is but the smallest manifestation of the infinite Love that is surrounding and supporting you - "beneath, around, above." Nothing has ever held you down before or can impede your progress now.

Mark Peesel
Denver, CO

Tuesday, March 14, 2000   11:37:
Chris, My friend for a long time... I know that your constant conscious capacity to Love is never ending. The worldwide support and love for you is also UNLIMITED! As loud as it seems to be, you must continue to know who you really are, and that there is NO mortal experience that can change your perfection!

Blue Skies, Lakes and Seas!

We are all here for you and expect only perfection and peace.

brooks anderson
santa rosa, the state of sillyness

Tuesday, March 14, 2000   11:17:
chris- this is your ol' buddy brooks. I am sending you prayers of strength and light. your life has been filled with a constant parade of love and support and Truth from your friends, and your loving and dear God of Heaven. all those years of inspiration surrounding you and your being are supporting and guiding you this very second. I embrace you with this light. from the moment you popped out to say hello forty some odd years ago, God has been sustaining your very being. you and I don't care what appears to be lying down in a painful lump on a bed. you are not a chicken, but an eagle. now fly, friend. your healing and being will, and is, blessing mankind. I love you, brooks

Mark Bailey
Denver, CO

Monday, March 13, 2000   16:40:
Chris - Our prayers are with you buddy! Thinking back to the days together at the camps always brings a smile to my face. Your patience, sincerity, humor and wit are refreshing and infectious. Know that you are loved, my friend.

Bob Honicky
Burbank, California

Monday, March 13, 2000   14:37:
Hi all. I'm Chris' brother Bob, and I want to bring everyone interested up to date on Chris as of today, Monday, March 13, 2000. Chris is currently at Mission Hospital at 14850 Roscoe Blvd. Room #206. He was taken there late last week by ambulance because of complications due to a surgical procedure that he had done earlier last week. Chris continues to be very weak, and now has pneumonia as well as some type of blood infection. He is in continuous pain, and it is very hard for him to ever be comfortable. Those of us who know Chris, know that he is a warrior, and he is fighting this thing with every ounce of strength in his body. He's determined to beat whatever it is that's trying to keep him down. Speaking for the rest of his family, I can say that this has been, and continues to be a very difficult thing to deal with, that is, seeing someone that we love very much, go through what Chris has, and is. While we continue our optimism and hope, the doctors don't seem to always agree. The hardest part is going through this with Chris, and feeling like having our hands tied, in the sense that there's not much that we can physically do to help him. We're all praying more than ever, and I believe that right now that is the greatest thing that we can do for Chris. All of us. Obviously Chris can't access his computer to check his guestbook, but his mom prints any new messages once a week, and reads them to Chris at the hospital. It makes him very happy whenever he hears from his friends, therefore if any of you are concerned, Chris will definitely receive your message. On behalf of Chris' family, I want to thank everyone who has befriended Chris, and has been able to look past his physical appearence, and found the gem of a person that Chris really is. He has, and continues to touch our lives in a very special way. I feel blessed for having such an awesome brother. Chris, your my hero!!! -Bob-

brian everette brooks
lasvegas, nv

Monday, March 06, 2000   14:22:
i thank god for the so few times we said hi. praying for you. me and your nephew joe love the snow like you. when you get better we will take a long trip together! hope to see you soon! love the little skinny kid brian brooks.steve and toni's son.

Czech Republic, California

Sunday, March 05, 2000   19:29:
Hi Cris, I miss you on Pierce College's campus. I hope you will get better soon, and you will come to talk to me as last semester. See you soon. Renata

Cathy Tirabassi
Las Vegas, Nevada

Thursday, March 02, 2000   21:39:
Chris- We hope that you are feeling better. We think of you everyday. Our prayers are with you. We love you very much. Joe, Cathy, Joey, and Cassandra.

Gary Fleener
Elsah, CO

Thursday, March 02, 2000   11:35:
Hey Chris! Hope you are doing better. Wanted to send a quick word of love and encouragement. You are never alone! Love, Gary

Cindy Gooch
Woodland Hills, Ca

Sunday, February 27, 2000   23:35:
I'm a recent companion of Chris. I work at Beverly Nursing and Rehab Ctr. where Chris is. I feel comfortable stating where Chris is because of the e-mail from Chris' brother Bob wrote telling where he is. I just want to let all of Chris' friends know that I will look at his website at least once a week while he's with us so that I can make a copy of all his new e-mails to share with him. I know that would make him feel better to here from all of you. Thanks and God Bless!

Mary Mayor
Burbank, Ca.

Friday, February 25, 2000   20:59:
Dear Chris, You are a very precious son...and have always been a wonderful example to your family of someone who always tries his best to do the right thing. We all love you very much and consider ouselves blest to have you. God loves you and so do we. Mom and Henry xxxx

Craig Armstrong
Denver, CO

Thursday, February 24, 2000   10:00:
Chris, As one of the folks who helped organize the A/U Reunion I just wanted you to know how great it was to have you there. You sure are one very loved guy!

Bob Honicky
Burbank, California

Wednesday, February 23, 2000   21:57:
To all of you who visit this site and are interested in knowing what is happening with Chris, here is a brief update as of February 23rd, 2000. I am Chris' brother Bob, and I want to bring you all up to date, because I know that Chris has many friends who love him very much, and are concerned about his well being. Chris is going through a very difficult time in his life right now, as it seems that his health is detereorating. When he got back from AU camp, he went directly from the plane to the emergency room at Northridge Hospital. I won't go into more detail now, but what I will say, is that Chris needs our prayers right now more than ever. Chris is currently at Beverly Manor Rehabilitation Center in Canoga Park(Topanga Canyon & Strathern). It would mean the world to him to have visitors. Someone from his family is there to visit him every day, but Chris is there almost all day & night alone, and he is very depressed. If anyone would like more information, I can be contacted at 818/238-9832, or by e-mail at: Thank you and God bless you for being a part of Chris' life.

Greg Childs
La Mesa, California

Wednesday, February 02, 2000   19:07:
Hi Chris, I met you at the last Wheel To The Sea. I'm Brad's oldest brother. Hope to see you at the next event. Greg

Andy Swan
St. Louis, Missourri

Thursday, January 13, 2000   12:32:
Hey Chris how's it going? I had alot of fun playing checkers with you during Christmas Camp. Maybe next time I will beat you. Probably not. Well, see you next Christmas.

Marc Heisterkamp
Buckley, Washington

Friday, December 31, 1999   21:56:
Chris, I cannot even express what a pleasure it was to meet you and be able to work with you over this last Christmas camp. I had heard so many great things about you and you met and exceeded every one of those! Your patience and understanding were incredible and really made things much easier for me. I was upset departure morning because I got up to late to say goodbye to you! But I will be in touch with you, be sure of that! I love you web page, it is very great that you have it! Lots of love, marc

Diana Bort
Lexington, Massachusetts

Thursday, December 30, 1999   21:47:
12/30/99 Well, Chris, I just e-mailed Marshall BAll ( about your creation of A/U's first infomercial! What a hit. You staged it, starred in it, were the primary interviewer, wrote the script, directed it....did everything except the camera work. It was really fun working with such a talented "hombre". I hope that Mark will be able to grab a portion of if for your magnificent site. You can certainly add your video experience to your long list of accomplishments. I enjoyed reading through your e-mails....Dan bought one of Brooks Anderson's paintings this Summer and I can attest that "he is one busy papa!" (Hi Brooks) Chris, I don't even have to close my eyes to see your penetrating look of thanks and love, to hear your laugh, feel your gentleness. What a gift you are to A/U Chris. I am so glad that we were there this year and that I got a chance to know you. Troy sent me a video which had three or four segments of television programs (including Oprah) about Marshall. It is about 30 minutes. If you don't get a copy directly from them, I will send you mine. Dan says hello. HAPPY NEW YEAR. Love, Diana

John Imrie
Chicago, Illinois

Thursday, December 30, 1999   18:52:
Hey Chris, Great Site. Great seeing you out at AU this Christmas. That is an awesome place. Hope you have a wonderful New Year. John Imrie

denver, colorado

Thursday, November 18, 1999   10:34:
Hey Chris! We were just sitting here thinking of you and talking about how we're looking forward to seeing you at Christmas! Can't wait - will see you soon. Nathan

Mark Lipe
Long Beach, CA

Tuesday, November 16, 1999   21:45:
Chris: Always good seeing you at the Wheel to the Sea trip! Congratulations on earning your achievement participant award. The weather was great, but I miss the water-filled creeks. It adds a little more excitement to the trip. I'm glad we strolled the beach and made contact with the waves. That beach wheelchair is the best, don't you agree? Probably see you in May! Take Care and have a wonderful holiday season. Best Wishes, Mark

kat wallace
carson, california

Tuesday, November 16, 1999   09:12:
Hey Chris! I like your website (& its links). Enjoyable reading. I walked with you last Saturday, Nov. 13, 1999. I had a blast! I pushed my wheelchair, sometimes I rode in it. I learned just how far I can walk (I have a right below knee amputation). I was quite thrilled to be able to see nature again, and I learned about plants, too! Everyone on the walk was so loving and giving and sincere. Well, I'd better leave you now, I'm at work and work is beckoning to me. Bye, kat


Monday, November 15, 1999   22:01:
Chris: I'm a member of the thousand oaks Kiwanis club and I have been pushing you to the beach since Wheels to the Sea started! I always like to push you as you are always UP FRONT IN FIRST PLACE! Look forward to seeing you in the spring. IRISH JOHN.

camarillo, ca

Sunday, November 14, 1999   16:30:
hi chirs! i met you this weekend at wheel to sea, i am a friend of chelsea's. i just wanted to tell you that your ambition and dedication is absolutley beautiful! youre shining face that i saw yesterday made my day that much more wonder! take care : )

Molly Rockey
Newbury Park, California

Sunday, November 14, 1999   13:00:
Hi Chris, I remember the first time I met you. It was in the quad at Pierce College years ago as I was running from class to class. You were there greeting people with your beautiful smile, inviting us all to come over and say "Hi". We chatted a bit that day, and when ever I saw you after that. Then I went to my first Wheel to the Sea in 1987 and there you were! I was happy to see you and every time since as we travel through Sycamore Canyon each Spring and Fall. You are an important part of Wheel to the Sea, bringing your enthusiam and joy to each person you meet. I am so happy you received the award for completing 28 Wheel to the Sea hikes. What an accomplishment. I am hoping you will answer the Wilderness Institutes "call for stories" so we can include yours in the story of the Wheel to the Sea. You can e-mail your story of how the "hike" influences your life to and I will be sure Brad gets it. Thanks again for sharing your smile.

Calabasas, CA

Sunday, November 14, 1999   01:45:0
Hi Chris, I added a link to your site from the Wheel to the Sea page -- All the best, Jon

Heather Harriman
Silverthorne, Colorado

Saturday, November 06, 1999   23:07:0
Hi Chris! I love your webpage! It's so cool! How is life in California? I have moved now to Silverthorne Colorado and am really enjoying it out here. I am working at the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. Do you like chocolate? I bet you do, i remember that there isn't very many foods that you dont enjoy! I sure miss mealtime with you! So anyway, I hope you are doing well. If you get a chance, write me back. I'd love to hear from you! Love, Heather

Kristi Lovelady
, CA

Sunday, September 19, 1999   15:44:
Hi Chris- It was good to chat with you at the Reunion. A/U just wouldn't be A/U without you. Brooks and Craig were right about all the special attention you got from the gals. Also wanted to thank you for the song you shared with us at the talent show. It was a treat for me. So many of us in the audience were very touched. Looking forward to future compositions. Say, I passed along your address, phone number,and web address to our mutual friend in Orange County. I hope that his sister was able to give you current phone number while we were at the reunion. That, I don't have. Stay in touch.

Dwight Oyer
Greeley, Colorado

Saturday, September 11, 1999   17:35:
Chris- It was good to see you again even if only from a distance. I came up on Saturday night to record Mindy and Sunday just flew by and boom and there you were at the talent show. It is always good to here your song. It really reminds me of where camp is and what it means to you and all of us. Glad to know it will be preserved on CD. I need to get a copy of the CD to mix in with the other music from the talent show. I'm sure Mark Peesel will help me with that. We are hoping to be at A/U this Christmas. Love you buddy.

Brooks Anderson
Santa Rosa, CA

Friday, September 10, 1999   11:30:
chrisaroni- I second my brother's comment on lovely young maidens surrounding you at all times! such love and luck! I apologize for not taking the time to hang out with you this past weekend. The allure to have a club-med weekend and to be pampered (FINALLY!) was what transpired instead. Constantly being pulled in different directions with different activites along with little sleep meant no sit down time with my buddy Chris. I'm always thinking of you. It was great to do our Valerie Lodge comedy routine as always. We keep them laughing. I'm so happy you have been enjoying the internet way of people keeping in touch with you. Do you remember so many years ago that I was urging you to at least get e-mail? Look how wonderful this web page deal has worked out! Do send me an e-mail message. with love sent from the other barrios of santa rosa, brooks

Lane Keough
Fort Collins, CO

Wednesday, September 08, 1999   23:24:
Chris, I am so glad that we got a chance to meet each other at the reunion!!! You have always been a huge part of A/U and just to get a chance to hang out with you was great!!! The web page looks wonderful. I hope I will get another chance to chill with you again soon. Lots of love, Lane K.

Craig Anderson
the j.c. barrio of santa rosa, california

Wednesday, September 08, 1999   08:55:
chris - great to see you -- albeit not enough time spent together at the reunion. every time i approached, it seems, there was a, well, er, uh, lovely young woman having a chat with you. let's face it, hombre, i'd like you to continue thinking of me i STAYED BACK!!!

Linda Ferry
Santa Barbara, Ca

Sunday, July 04, 1999   21:52:
Chris, my friend, I've known you for 19 years now and we're still in contact even though I don't venture down to LA anymore. I am always amazed how you always remember my birthday every year and I get a phone call. How do you always remember? You're a dear soul and I always love talking about God with you. Do you realize that everytime you and I talk somehow God enteres into the conversation? I think that's beautiful.

Dee Dee Bark
Scottsdale, Arizona

Saturday, June 26, 1999   18:11:
Hey Chris!!! It was great to talk with you today! And, I am so impressed with your very own web site! You are so awesome. Wish I could be up at the Ranches with you this summer. Have a wonderful time. E-mail me as soon as you get your new computer! Love and hugs! Dee Dee

Phoebe Mueller-McVey
Paisely, FL

Thursday, June 10, 1999   10:31:
Do you remember me from A/U a long time ago? I was a camper when I first met you then I was a counselor for a few years. I actually thought of you a couple of weeks ago. I wondered what you would be up to. I now live in Florida with my husband Michael and my three young children: Phoebejane, Perry and Miranda Lu. I haven't been to A/U in 10 years, but as my children get older I'd love to go back as a bunk-house-mom. Do you still get out to Colorado? I'd love to hear from you!

Angela Sevin
Concord, California

Saturday, June 05, 1999   22:02:
The song sounds great! It's so nice to hear your words and Jim's voice again. By the way, does anyone know where Jim Price is? Please let me know! When I last spoke to you Chris, you said that you didn't know either, which explains the old tape. Friends...any news?

joel benson
ashland, oregon

Friday, June 04, 1999   20:51:
This is great, Chris. Miss you here in Oreogn, but i'll catch up with you this christmas. I love your song...joel

Alison Peticolas
Denver, Colorado

Friday, May 14, 1999   14:36:
YAHOO!!!! The song has finally arrived!

Floyd Jones
Westminster, CO

Tuesday, May 11, 1999   22:30:
Hey Butthead. How do you rate, getting your own web site? Thanks for keeping in touch, especially calling me at work. WORK SUCKS, so it's really nice of you to give me a good laugh in the middle of the day. Remember riding wheelies all the way down the road from Round-Up to Sky? You were truly psycho to enjoy that. I hope your new computer has some decent software that reads e-mail to you. I'm a much better e-pal than a snail-pal, so get your act together, boy!

Angela Sevin
Concord, CA

Wednesday, May 05, 1999   20:56:
Chris, what's the online status? Are you getting email yet? How can we help? Take care, angela

Narvon,, PA

Monday, April 19, 1999   15:33:
Hello sweet thang!!! I finally found you on the ether-air. Your web site is a grand labor of love & I'm so glad to be here. How did the Olympics trials go??? I'll be seeing you at camp in September!!! yeee-ha. Hope to talk to you soon...Love & kisses.b....

William Macomber
Manhattan Beach, CA

Tuesday, April 06, 1999   18:26:
Chris, it is great to see your web page. I have great memories of hanging out with you in Valarie Lodge. You never cease to amaze me, you might think I am nice and write in your Gestbook, but just as always I think you are doing more for me by letting me read all the comments of those that care. Please send me an email when you get the chance.

skip thurman
bethesda, md

Saturday, April 03, 1999   19:25:
Duder, Not to harsh on my little brother, but I think your accomplishments list is a little wrong. I talked you into doing the ropes course and almost killed us both, Mike just watched! It was great fun though, and I love your website. Hope to see you at the ranches this summer. You are the man. Skip

Annie Toevs
Boston, MA

Friday, April 02, 1999   08:06:
I love seeing your face on my computer all they here in Boston -- such a great treat! Your pictures are wonderful (they make me terribly home sick) and it seems as though all is well with you! Know that I think of you often and when I get that way, I'll call. Be good and have a wonderful spring. Much Love to you, Anne T

northridge, california

Friday, April 02, 1999   00:37:
hey chris i just finished reading all your information its very interesting the email is my sister's. Inever knew so much about u. I especially liked the pictures and what you had to say for them. very interesting. great sight. im glad you put in so much time into it because its really great. im proud that you have so much charisma and a great positive outlook on life. thats really important and you've got it. good luck and see you soon!

Kristin Eschenroeder
Largo, Florida

Thursday, April 01, 1999   11:59:
Hey Chris I absolutely love the page! Just wanted to visit and tell you how much you mean to me. I really enjoy talking to you on Sundays. Thanks for being such a great friend. Not even this great website can describe what a wonderful person you are. You will always have my love and support. -Kristin

Fawn McCullough
Boulder, Colorado

Wednesday, March 24, 1999   13:03:
Chris!! So wonderful to find your are a beautiful man...the pictures of you radiate this unbrideled spirit. I admire you for your courage, openess, abounding love, trust and grace. You are a healing light. We all have so much to learn from you...we just need to listen! Hope we can visit soon! With Respect and Love...your friend Fawn

Jon Proctor
Denver, CO

Wednesday, March 24, 1999   08:53:
Chris- I Love the Web page. I think of you often, but never get around to calling (sorry). I don't think that I will be in CA any time soon, but let me know when you are in Colorado again. I would love to see you.


Tuesday, March 23, 1999   16:42:
Hey Chris! What a great web page! I'm so excited!! You are going to be spending all your time reading emails once this thing gets going. I'm looking forward to seeing you this summer. We all send our love. Maree

brooks anderson
santa rosa, people's state of california

Tuesday, March 23, 1999   15:10:
hey you, a/u buddy! so happy to hear you're "on dah web!" I really enjoyed seeing your picture and reading all the messages from just about everybody I know! (we must have influential friends.) sorry I haven't been able to give you a call as of yet. it's pretty crazy over here in the "casa de three little chicks." I'm happy just to grab a few hours of sleep, and find time to swig down a little soy chocolate milk. I'm looking forward to seeing you and the rest of the folks (most of whom left you messages) at the HEY-YOU REUNION. and, by the way angela, let's not keep mentioning that I did indeed get ripped out of the raft on the upper portion of the Grand Chute! heck-of-a-run! love to ya, chrissss!...b

Holly Strelow
San Francisco, California

Tuesday, March 23, 1999   13:59:
Chris,I loved exploring your web site. I look forward to hearing your song once it's posted. John and I think of you often and hope to see you soon. Much Love, Holly and John Strelow

Angela Sevin

Tuesday, March 23, 1999   11:17:
Chris, I hate to correct you buddy, but I was in the raft with you your FIRST time rafting in August, 1983 with Craig Anderson (I think Brooks fell out of the boat on that trip down Browns!) I loved rading your accomplishments and thoughts on this website- keep it up!

Angela Sevin
Concord, CA

Monday, March 22, 1999   19:59:
Hey Chris, Beautiful photos, great website. It's great to find out what you are up to. Take care! Love, Angela

Alex Lenke
Palo Alto, California

Monday, March 22, 1999   16:54:
hi! Karen, my wife, my two sons, Peter and Anton, and my daughter have spent the last 3 Christmases with you at AU. We hope all is well in LA. What do you take in school? Alex

Jean Duperrault
Mountain View, CA

Monday, March 22, 1999   15:49:
Chris, It is great to hear from you via Fleurette! I'm emailing you from school where I teach 4th graders all day. It was a pleasant surprise to see you! Hope all is well. :)

Fleurette Sevin
Mountain View, California

Monday, March 22, 1999   14:57:
Thanks Chris for telling me about your site. It looks great! A labor of love. Thank you guys at SummitDesign. :-)

Los Angeles, CA

Monday, March 15, 1999   13:35:
Hi Chris!! We met a couple days ago at LMU. Your webpage is so awesome! I'm very impressed.


Saturday, March 06, 1999   17:43:
Hey Chris. When you get your new computer and are able to check your own web site, then you can read this message. Your a good friend. Talk to you later.

Jim Doll
Palmer, Pa

Tuesday, March 02, 1999   08:47:
Hey, Chris, enjoyed talking to you over the weekend, Your web site looks great. Take care... Love u.. Jim

Diane and Jim Sheridan
Bellevue, Nebraska

Saturday, February 27, 1999   12:26:0
Nice talking with you today, Chris. We enjoyed looking at your web page. Been a long time since we have seen you, so it was nice you included pictures.

Tim Potter
Sacramento, California

Monday, February 15, 1999   11:50:
Hi Chris!Great looking web site! Hoping to see you on it real soon!!!!!! Will be talking with soon. Tim

Laura Ryan
Wadsworth, Ohio

Monday, February 01, 1999   18:45:
Hey, Chris!! I remember meeting you at A/U this past Christmas. Your website is awesome!!! Email me when you get a chance, and I'll write back!

Mark Peesel
Denver, CO

Monday, February 01, 1999   16:45:
Hello Chris, Good to see you again!

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