
First saw the A/U Ranches, drove out with friend (it rained!) 1971
Moved out on my own, August 6, 1972
Christian Science Youth Meeting in Boston, July 1974
First time to the A/U Ranches, Summer 1975
Went skiing at A/U Christmas, Deember 1983
Began semi-annual hikes to the beach, May 1985
Began Anuual Summer Olympics in Spring (Bean Bags, Horseshoes), 1986
Wrote my song with Jim Price, August 18 1987
First time rafting, 1988
Did the 40' High Ropes Course with Mike Thurman, Summer 1988
Ran the B.V. 8 mile run wit Mike Thurman, August 1989
Went on Snow Cat Tour into the high Rockies, December 1989
Went to Venice beach by myself (wasn't sunny), Summer 1998
Went shopping at the mall, bought music box, December 1998

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