
My name is Chris Honicky. I live in North Hills, CA, right outside of Los Angeles. I am a life long Christian Scientist and deal with Cerebral Palsy (CP) every day. I live on my own and spend three days a week at Pierce Comm. College. I try to meet new people every day. I talk on the phone a lot and like to watch the news and Oprah. I really like having people come and visit me, but that doesn't happen very often!!!!!

The normal daily routine for me is very challenging. Being wheelchair bound keeps me very busy - on school days I need to get up at 2:20AM just to get everything done. But spending so much time on such basic things (like getting dressed, eating pre-cut food and even going to the bathroom) can really get old sometimes!

But my strong faith in both God and humanity helps me always focus on the positive. That's why I want to share my thoughts, and life experiences with you here.

Chris Honicky on one of his regular jaunts into the woods.

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